Super Saturday of Golf at VGC on 20th April, 2024

Saturday 20th April is a Super Saturday of Golf at VGC,  in addition to the April Monthly Medal Single Stroke Round that is being held, there are Three Honour Board Events up for competition.

The Jim Childs Memorial Event is an Honour Board Men’s Competition, where the Winner is the Player with the lowest Nett score overall for the day.

As VGC has a Proud history of recognising Anzac Day, the Combined Service Men/ Women ( Digger’s Cup), is also being  held. This Honour Board event is Open to all current Serving or Ex Service Men and Women, with the Winner, the eligible Player with the lowest Net score for the day. Players eligible for this category will need to register for this event when paying their competition fees on the Day.

Women playing on Saturday will also be competing for the Flo Buck Cup, Honour Board event, with Round 1 being held on Saturday,  and Round 2 on 27th April. The Winner of this event is the Player with the lowest Net score on Aggregate for the total 36 Holes.

The Club looks forward to a capacity field on this Super Saturday for great competition in all of these events.

On -line entries for the day open at 5.00pm on Tuesday 16th April, 2024.


Mick Pullinger

VGC Captain

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