The 2023 Mixed Foursomes Championships have been played under near perfect conditions once again and It was great to see 40 players take part in  this Honour Board event played over 36 holes.

Karl Vorhauser and Kea Schwarz have won the 36 hole Gross Mixed Foursomes Championships their third title together and Kea’s 13 victory in this event going back to 1988 the first win for Kea.  After rounds of 85 – 81 total 166 they were to strong for Sanna Mila and Damon Flood with scores of 87 – 82 total 169 only three shots off the pace.  Greg Tagg and Rose Pullinger also had a good day out with scores of 87-88 total 175.  The full Gross result can be seen here

The Nett result was taken out by Zayetta Brady and Graham Townsend opb with scores of 77-72 total 149 Net  from Annette Almond and Neil Rowlatt also 74-75 total 149.  

AM Nett went to  Annette Almond and Neil Rowlatt  with 74 Nett and the PM Nett winners were Ian & Ann Squires with a score of 72 Nett 

The full Nett result can be seen here

NTP 12th Robyn Brighton 

NTP 9th Brad Hope 


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