The VGC Mixed Foursomes Championship will be conducted this year on Sunday 3rd September,2023.

The competition will be held over 27 holes , with play commencing from 10. 04am for 18 holes on the Championship Course, followed by a lunch break

and then 9 holes on the Heritage Course from 2.00pm.

The time sheet for this event will be released  online on Tuesday 22nd August at 4:00pm 

There will be prizes for Winners and Runners Up on Gross for the 27 holes, as well as Best Nett for the 27 holes.

In addition, prizes will be awarded for Best Nett for both the morning and afternoon rounds.

Those who are looking to once again take part in this event or for any new members that want to try this format for the first time be sure to get a group together and make a booking from the Tuesday 22nd.


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