Dear Members,

Following 83 mls of rain last night on an already wet Golf Course and more inundation from Downfall Creek, as members will be well aware, the Golf Course is very very wet. The Main Course is unplayable today, there is significant surface water over a number of fairways and flooding evident on some low lying areas of the course. 

As a result, today’s Friday 9’ers has been cancelled. Our Friday ‘Sip n Chip’ will go ahead subject to attendance. The Heritage 9 and Driving Range remain closed until further notice.

At this stage, there will be a single stableford comp held tomorrow Saturday 10th December, and Sunday’s competition will proceed as scheduled, subject of course to weather. The competition tomorrow will see tees forward on 2nd, 6th, 10th & 15th holes, all bunkers are GUR & tee up through the green. This will also be applicable for the Sunday comp.

Whilst I know this will be disappointing to some members and is to us as well, Golf carts will not be available on course today, Friday and over both Saturday & Sunday.

And yes, we are also tired of the bad news messaging and like everyone, we look forward to a better run of weather next week for competition play and the Thursday Club ‘Ham Day’ on Thursday 16th December. 


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