Dear Members, we wanted to provide you with a course update this am in advance of tomorrows competition and Medal of Medalist final round.

Obviously both Golf Course are quite wet after rain yesterday and over night. As of this morning we can advise the following (of course subject to any further rain).

Golf carts will not be able to be used on the Heritage 9 tomorrow, at this stage the Heritage 9 competition will go ahead as scheduled. It is also unlikely that Golf Carts will be able to be used on the main course tomorrow although a final decision will be made on the use of carts on the main course early tomorrow morning.

As a result of this uncertainty, the Medal of Medalist Final scheduled for tomorrow will be postponed until next Saturday, 20th November. A single stableford competition will be scheduled for tomorrow on the main course.

The Club’s long range practice facility will be closed tomorrow.

Lastly, whilst the main course remains open for golf today (no carts) the Friday 9’ers has been cancelled for this week.


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