Dear Members,

By now, all members (excepting Points members*) who have provided an email address to the Club should have received your membership renewal notices for the 21/22 year. Our assumption is we have up to date email addresses, but if you have recently changed your email address could you contact the club with details so we can resend your membership subscription to you. For those Members who have not notified an email address, the subscription notices have been sent by mail.

Our strong preference (given current circumstances & restrictions) is for payment to be made via BPay or other automated means, eg. debit or credit card payments over the phone. If you must pay in person at the Club, please do so from Monday to Friday (9.00am to 5.00 pm) given we have fewer staff over weekends which will result in delays and at the current time, we wish to avoid crowding in the small office reception area.

For those members who wish to pay by direct debit, this facility will remain available. The initial installment will be  a minimum of $250 payable upfront, then 10 equal installments of the balance of subscriptions on the 17th of each month, commencing from 17th September. For members wishing to enter into a new direct debit installment plan (there is no additional fee) we will need you to complete an direct debit authority available from the office. 

We apologise for the delay in forwarding subscriptions notices as we had planned to do early last week but we were impacted by the lock down.


(*Points membership is a date to date membership and not tied to the club’s membership year).


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