Dear Members, another update and again apologies, like last update, maybe a coffee or drink of choice required for this missive.

Covid 19 – Stage 3 easing of restrictions.

As members will be aware, the Premier made an announcement about moving to stage 3 of restrictions earlier in the week. We have now received information on what this means for VGC.

From 12 noon, Friday 3rd July we are able to remove a number of the current restrictions. The major points are as follows:

  • As from noon on Friday, members and guests will be able to order food and drink from the bar area of the club (seated service is no longer required). Social distancing protocols are still required under the revised regulations and we are still required to take member contact details as they enter the club, time in/out etc. Members are asked to continue to access the Club House from the front of the terrace area.
  • We strongly encourage cashless transactions as far as is practicable. We will also still be required to thoroughly clean chairs and tables between sittings so you continuing patience is appreciated.  Members are able to move more freely in  open areas but will still need to be conscious of physical distancing requirements, which have been re-set to 1 person per 2 sq. mtrs.
  • We will be able to extend the maximum number of members/guests at any one time with up to 75 people inside the club house and 25 on the terrace. Whilst the outdoor smoking area will be again in use, including the consumption of drinks (but not food), there will be no service available to members or guests in the DOSA (which was the requirement pre-covid in any event).
  • The Club will be able to sell alcohol to members and guests for on premise (on course) consumption from noon, Friday 3rd July.  BYO alcohol is  still strictly prohibited as the Club’s liquor licence does not provide for BYO alcohol. This is also unchanged from pre-covid.


Members will be aware that the stage one of the short game practice facility is now open. This facility is limited to members and members guests only. As is normal, members are asked to hit from roped areas only on the turf tee and to repair divots. Members can use the artificial turf at any time (obviously with the exception when players are hitting from the front tee). Over the next couple of weeks we will install netting at the end of the range and commence work on stage 2, which is progressing the construction of practice bunkers and a large chipping green.  The chipping green will not be turfed (stolonised) until the growing season commences but we are hoping the practice bunkers will be available for use prior to this time.

Over the past couple of  weeks, along with many complimentary and positive comments from members about course conditions, we have received a lot of feedback on unrepaired pitch marks on greens. As a result, we would ask members to remember to repair their pitch marks (and those of others) and of course, to properly repair divots with sand. To this end, on Saturday, members who have lost or do not have a pitch repairer will be able to receive a complementary pitch repairer from the Pro Shop upon request, with the obvious requested use of same.

Lastly, thank you to many members who have made comment on the great course conditions, it is really greatly appreciated by Barry and the Course staff and our wonderful volunteers, all of whom are working hard to continually improve the course. There is obviously much more to do. Our current priority along with other works (practice range, brick work on 13th tee, practice facility etc.) is to focus on fairway patching over the winter period and members will see this work progressing over time. 



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