Dear Members, following on from our advice yesterday, we have received further updates from discussion between Golf Australia, Clubs Queensland and the Liquor & Gaming Authority.

Whilst this response to a National Directive appears to be State specific given it appears other state authorities have allowed Golf to continue during this crisis (following appropriate social distancing and control measures), The Queensland Government has directed that if a golf course in the state has a Liquor license as we obviously do, the entire Golf Course must be immediately closed. I regret to advise that Virginia will now respond to this directive and close the Golf Course to all members and guests with immediate effect.

We will continue to advocate for this decision of the Queensland Govt. to be reviewed and remain hopeful that there may be further consideration of this issue to move more in line with the position we understand to have been taken by all other states.

Please regularly review this page for updates as this issue is progressed.



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